
很细腻充满现实的伤感文案 治愈伤心 字字入心


Its up to you how you want to live your life 孤独的定义,你并没有真正了解

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Don"t let them miss it, you don"t want to be sad, after all, people can not be revived, come on!


It"s up to you how you want to live your life.


The definition of loneliness, you don"t really know.


I want to trust someone. I want to trust someone very much.But everyone in this world is busy living, busy dying, all are so embarrassed posture.


Love is always sweet at the beginning, then there will be boredom, habit, betrayal, loneliness, despair and cold shoulder.


Think, time long enough to let me forget you, but found, or can not ignore you.


Happiness is like a piece of natural China, once broken, it can not be intact.


I have no more words!There is only one thing to tell you: With you, you are everything!Without you around, everything is you!


We are not without love, but finally can not go on.

我没有放弃 也不会离你而去。

I haven"t given up and I"m not leaving you.


If you can"t do it, don"t make any promises.


I don"t cry, doesn"t mean I don"t hurt, because I really love you.

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