
引人共鸣的情感说说 句句成熟现实 让人百看不厌!



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Don"t say sorry to me. Sorry can only bring you peace of mind, not my relief. Perhaps the most beautiful thing is not to keep the time, but to keep the memory, like the feeling of the first acquaintance, even an inadvertent smile is the story we miss most. Hope, time, as first seen. & Don"t pay too much attention to things that

二、改变不了的事就别太在意,留不住的人就试着学会放弃,受了伤的心就尽力自愈,除了生死,都是小事,别为难自己。觉得人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。 有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面;有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。can"t change. People who can"t keep them will try to give up. Hearts hurt will try to heal themselves. Except for life and death, they are all trivial matters. Don"t embarrass themselves. I feel that people"s fragility and strength are beyond my imagination. Sometimes, I may be so fragile that I burst into tears at a word; sometimes, I find myself biting my teeth and walking a long way.

三、一路走来,我不优秀。但我善良不虚伪。我有话直来直去。做事坦坦荡荡。我不聪明。但我肯定不傻。很多事,我都能看明白。只是不想说而已。因为人太聪明了会很累。有时糊涂一些更快乐。has come all the way, I am not excellent. But I am kind and not hypocritical. I have a straight line. Do things openly and frankly. I"m not smart. But I"m certainly not silly. I can see many things. I just don"t want to talk about it. Because people are too smart and tired. Sometimes it"s happier to be confused.

四、如果可以,我愿在这场相遇的某一个时刻,在你美丽的一生中,向你借一天。只为了感受你真实的存在。以前的我以为,爱只是一段,婚姻却是一生,现在我明白了,爱只是一段,婚姻也可以只是一段。If I could, I would like to borrow one day from you at some point in your beautiful life. Just to feel your real existence. I used to think that love is only a period, but marriage is a lifetime. Now I understand that love is only a period, and marriage can also be only a period.

五、人生就像一场长跑,跑得太快,容易后劲不足;跑得太慢,就会落伍;中途退出,就会断送以前的努力;不参加,就没有赢得比赛的机会。要想比别人优秀,就要付出十分的努力。life is like a long run, running too fast, easy to lack of stamina; running too slowly, will fall behind; quit halfway, will ruin the previous efforts; do not participate, there will be no chance to win the game. If you want to be better than others, you have to make great efforts.

六、人生从来没有真正的绝境。无论遭受多少艰辛,无论经历多少苦难,只要一个人的心中还怀着一粒信念的种子,那么总有一天,你就能走出困境,让生命重新开花结果。Life has never been a real despair. No matter how many hardships you suffer, no matter how many hardships you suffer, as long as there is a seed of faith in your heart, one day you will be able to get out of the difficulty and let life blossom and bear fruit again.

七、 人的一生会碰见很多心动的人,可能会误以为那是喜欢,其实也不过是某一刻的好感,毕竟心动都不是答案,心定才是。余生不长,愿你的所有的倾城时光,都能花在一个值得的人身上。people"s life will meet many heart-beating people, may mistake it as like, in fact, it is just a moment of good feeling, after all, heart is not the answer, the mind is. The rest of your life is not long. May all your time in the city be spent on a worthy person.

八、请你为这样一个人活着,她对你每次发表的说说都用心去感受,喜欢你身上的任何地方,总是尽力地为你做任何事,而你总是不知道,而她总是默默无闻。Please live for such a person. Every time she says something to you, she feels it with her heart. She likes everywhere you are. She always tries her best to do anything for you, but you always don"t know, and she is always unknown.

九、很晚才理解到,人最好的状态不是疯狂忙碌,而是静下来的时候并不害怕。我们总是忘记了,幸福不是获得我们还没有的,而是认识和欣赏我们所拥有的。learned very late that the best state of a person is not to be crazy and busy, but to be quiet and not afraid. We always forget that happiness is not to get what we don"t have, but to recognize and appreciate what we have.

十、每个人的性格中,都有某些无法让人接受的部分,再美好的人也一样。所以不要苛求别人,不要埋怨自己。玫瑰有刺,因为是玫瑰。Everyone"s character has some unacceptable parts, even the most beautiful people. So don"t be demanding, don"t blame yourself. Roses have thorns, because they are roses.

十一、要改变自己的生活,就要先改变自己的思维方式。创造快乐的情绪,你会感到更幸福;想象完善的自己,你会越来越成功。像一个百万富翁一样思考,你会奇迹般地致富。wants to change its life, it must first change its way of thinking. Create happy emotions, you will feel happier; imagine yourself perfect, you will be more and more successful. Think like a millionaire and you will be miraculously rich.

十二、我们总是在错误的时间,错误的地点,懵懵然就爱上那个人,然后,不得不用尽一生遗忘。谁都不是傻子,一个友好的表示,一个宽和的微笑,一句暖心的问候,一个善意的举手之劳,都可能成为友谊的开始。我们要学会感恩和珍惜,谁都没有义务一定要帮你,难处时有人施以援手是福气,也是运气。应懂得"投桃报李"让友谊之树常青。We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and then we have to spend all our lives forgetting. No one is a fool. A friendly gesture, a gentle smile, a warm greeting, and a kind raise of hands can all be the beginning of friendship.

We should learn to be grateful and cherish. No one has the obligation to help you. It is luck and luck to have someone help you in difficult times. We should know & amp; quot; repay peach for plum & amp; quot; let the tree of friendship be evergreen.

十三、每一个平淡的日子都值得尊重,每一个在身边的人都应该珍惜,愿你眼里有星辰,身边有微风,心中有暖阳。纵然相思入骨,纵然万劫不复,我也待你眉眼如初,岁月如故。every dull day is worth respecting, everyone around you should cherish, wish you have stars in your eyes, breeze around you, warm sun in your heart. Even if love is deep in the bones, even if it never dies again, I will treat you as if you were the same as before, as if the years were the same.

十四、做人最好状态是懂得尊重,不管他人闲事,不晒自己优越,更不秀恩爱。你越成长越懂得内敛自持,做人静默、不说人坏话做好自己即可。不求深刻,只求简单。The best state of being a man is to know respect, no matter what other people do, not expose their own superiority, not to show affection. The more you grow up, the more you know how to be self-restrained. Just be quiet and do yourself well without bad words. Not deep, just simple.

十五、过去的只留在记忆里,而现在过的每一天,都是余生中最年轻的一天,请不要老得太快,却明白得太迟。你从不孤单。因为,这个世上肯定有一个人,在努力地走到你的身边。used to be only in memory, but now every day is the youngest day in the rest of your life. Please don"t get old too fast, but understand it too late. You are never alone. Because there must be someone in the world who is trying to come to you.

十六、我们还会再相遇的,只是不会再如初了。太多的不舍,太多的无奈,在你选择不珍惜的时候错过的就已经错过了。We"ll meet again, but not again. Too much reluctance, too much helplessness, when you choose not to cherish the missed has been missed.

十七、每次想找个人陪的时候,就发现有的人不能找,有的人不该找,还有的人找不到。心中纵有万语千言想对你说,却找不到一个打扰你的理由,有千万次想关心你,却找不到一个合适的身份。Every time I want to find someone to accompany me, I find that some people can"t find, some people shouldn"t find, and others can"t find. Thousands of words in my heart want to say to you, but I can"t find a reason to disturb you. Thousands of times I want to care about you, but I can"t find a proper identity.

十八、没有人可以告诉我们永远它到底有多远,不知道从哪天开始我们不再相信天长地久的诺言,岁月将遗忘刻进我们的手掌,眼睛望不到,流水滴不穿,过去过不去,明天不会远。No one can tell us how far it is forever. We don"t know from which day we will stop believing in the promise of eternity. Years will be forgotten and carved into our palms. We can"t see it with our eyes. The dripping water will not wear through. The past can"t pass. Tomorrow won"t be far.

十九、人人都有弱点,不能成大事的人总是固守着自己的弱点,一生很难有转变。而一个能成大事的人总会寻找自己的弱点,从自己的弱点上开刀。冲破弱点,一个连自己的缺陷都不能纠正的人,只能当失败者。has weaknesses. People who can"t achieve great things always stick to their weaknesses. It"s hard to change their lives. And a person who can accomplish great things always looks for his own weaknesses and knives from his own weaknesses. Breaking through weaknesses, a person who can not even correct his own shortcomings, can only be a loser.

二十、宽容是一种高尚的品质,一个懂得宽容的人会营造出一片祥和友善的天空,他同样会受到人们的尊重和推崇。宽容别人,也是在宽容你自己,你不去再为小事而烦恼,生活将是会增添许多欢乐和轻松。tolerance is a noble quality, a person who knows tolerance will create a peaceful and friendly sky, he will also be respected and respected by people. Tolerance of others is also tolerance of yourself. If you stop worrying about trifles, life will add a lot of joy and relaxation.

二十一、不开心时,做个深呼吸,不过是糟糕的一天而已,又不是糟糕一辈子。有些失望是无可避免的,但大部分的失望,都是因为你高估了自己。When you"re unhappy, take a deep breath. It"s just a bad day, not a bad life. Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimate yourself.

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