
短语动词 make for 比较少见的几个意思


一、意为促成,造就,用于非正式的场合,例如:Everyone agreed that filming inside a chocolate factory would make for good television

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单词 make 是非常常见的动词,它对应的短语动词也不是很多,其中 make for 平时的出镜率很低。


Everyone agreed that filming inside a chocolate factory would make for good television.


解析:agree 可以跟宾语从句,在复合句中作主句的宾语,that 在口语中常可以省略。

A happy parent makes for a happy child.


Your cooperation will make for the success of our project.


Good teamwork makes for greater productivity in the workplace.


二、意为”向…移动“,相当于 head for,例如:

They split up and the man made for the subway.


He rose from his seat and made for the door.


We turned the boat around and made for the nearest harbour.


解析:短语动词 turn around 是可分割的短语动词。

After he left the office he made straight for home.


Everyone made for the exit as soon as the show was over.


解析:此句中 as soon as 指紧接着发生的两个短动作 made for 和 was,主从句都用一般过去时。

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