
颇具格调的情感文案 字字暖心 现实又心疼


Dear, you in my heart, always very safe, no one can disturb you, until my heart failure 我们的执着,必须会上演一段唯美的浪漫

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Dear, you in my heart, always very safe, no one can disturb you, until my heart failure.


Our persistence, must be staged a beautiful romance.


I loved looking at her, but NOW I can"t even see her.


Your eyes are really beautiful, there are sun and moon, winter and summer, sunny rain, mountains and rivers, flowers and plants, birds and animals, but my eyes are better, because there are you


Love has always been a fickle thing.Never been abandoned, never hurt, how to know love?


Life is like a one-way ticket to no return, there is no rehearsal, every scene is live broadcast.


I don"t think everyone can like me so desperate love you, love to stumble.


All breakups are betrayals if they are not near death.


Like and you together, even if a word also do not say, your expression, also let me from the heart of joy.


Try to cherish what you left, don"t get is not important.


Can not help sadness, then slowly learned to cover up;Because do not want to be stabbed again, so gradually learned to disguise.


"Because I can"t stop bubbling when I see you."

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