


a unique voice 独特的声音As you probably aware, its quite a unique voice, quite different 你可能也意识到了,这个声音非常独特,很不同

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huge confidence 很大的信心

Initially, he actually didn"t have huge confidence in his own voice. 一开始,他对自己的声音并没有很大的信心。

a unique voice 独特的声音

As you probably aware, it"s quite a unique voice, quite different. 你可能也意识到了,这个声音非常独特,很不同。

nothing to do with the music和音乐没有关系

Initially, he"d actually gone to study dentistry in the Ukraine, so nothing to do with the music. 一开始他去乌克兰学习牙医。和音乐没有关系。

give sb. that drive 给了某人动力

One of his teachers whilst he was there had kind of given him that drive and said , look , your voice is fabulous. 在那期间一个老师给了他动力,并且说,你的声音太美妙了。

switch over to study Bel Canto转而去学习美声唱法

So, he switched over to study Bel Canto, which is a form of Italian music. 他转而去学习美声唱法, 意大利音乐的一种形式。

a pop star 流行歌星

Obviously his voice is very unique and is perhaps not got the appearance of what you might consider a pop star. 很显然他的声音是很特别的,但是并不是大家以前认为的流行歌星的样子。

music industry音乐市场

That might have affected him 10 or 15 years ago in the music industry. 这在10年前或者15年前,他的声音可能不会被当下的流行音乐市场接受。

overcome music stereotypes打破对流行音乐的刻板印象

He"s been really courageous and brave in overcoming music stereotypes. 他很有勇气去打破大家对音乐的刻板印象。

talent show选秀节目

He started off by going on the Chinese talent show called Zhongguo hao shengyin, which is the equivalent of "The voice" and just blew all of the judges away.他的音乐旅程始于一档中国的选秀节目--中国好声音,也就相当于The voice,当时把评委们都惊呆了。

put all his eggs in one basket孤注一掷

pursue music追求音乐梦想

He was able to get the opportunity to put all his eggs in one basket, so to speak, and pursue music. How amazing is that! 他勇于追求自己的事业,也就是追求音乐梦想,这真的很让人敬佩。

be picked out among the crowd 在人群中被识别出来

He could be picked out among the crowd , especially when you"re listening to so much new content and so much new music on radio or on Spotify. 他的声音能在人们听广播和Spotify的时候,在诸多的新音乐,新内容中一下被识别出来。

go far走得很远

I think when someone has a unique voice like he does, then, yeah, then you"re going to go far. 我觉得要是歌手的声音要是他的一样特别,他一定会走得很远。


His voice is so incredible. 他的声音真的太棒了。


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