
失落分手的伤感文案 温柔而文雅 懂你的忧伤


Sometimes you choose to distance yourself from someone, not because you dont care, but because you know they dont belong to you 因为在乎你,所以我总是解释,而你却总说我在掩饰

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Sour, sweet, bitter, hot is the taste of food


The past is not mentioned, the night is still very long, the rest of my life is also, need to save some energy to wait again, and so on later people......


Sometimes you choose to distance yourself from someone, not because you don"t care, but because you know they don"t belong to you.


Because I care about you, so I always explain, and you always say I"m hiding.Can you not see me strong put me to death.


Experience again and again, let me witness the darkness of the society, but also smile to face, people alive really tired.


No matter how far apart we are, my heart and your heart are always together!


In this life, can see you happy, good.


You only remember my bitter tongue my savage my shrew, but I can not remember the original love you


Close your eyes who do you miss most, eyes open around who was.


So many years I have not been thin, in order to break up that year, you take care of yourself.


Superficial happiness is easy when you don"t think about it.


The wound is the shame that others give, oneself insist on the illusion.

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